Summer 2010:
June 4th- Kailey and Jordan Wilson tied the knot finally! ;) It was a beautiful wedding! God truely has big plans for these 2!
July- One of my very good friends, Christine, and I traveled to Pacasmayo to visit all of my beautiful children and friends there. On this trip I was able to help in the school. Christine and I were able to teach the preschoolers English class a couple times. We were also able to help out in the 1-3rd grade English classes. The kids there are the same as kids here in some ways but in others they are so different. They were all very responsible and respectful. The teachers there didn't have to keep lowering their standers for the students. They either did what they were suppose to or failed. My spirit feels alive when I am there! It was sad to return to find that some of the kids were no longer there. You have to hope that they are in a better place. Either way, I pray and tell God how thankful I am that I got to spend time with them when I did and ask that he protect and guide them where they are now. I got to meet new kids who immediately stole my heart <3>
August- The first week of August I was able to travel to CO with TPX (my church's youth group) Camp. Wow what an awesome experience that was. God showed me that he will equip me with the words and skills I need to do his work. I don't have to be afraid to shine His light and do his will becuase being in His will is the savest place in the world! The theme was OK GO! We know what we need to know and now we need to take action and follow God. My middle school girls (plus one hs girl) were awesome! They now have a special place in my heart! We had a lot of obsticles to overcome that week but God helped us climb big mountains!
The rest of the summer I was blessed to be working at my daycare, Christ Early Learning Center! There I was able to see my kiddos. It is so crazy how big some of them are getting. Some of them came in as babies and are now in Kindergarten and I have got to watch the whole process. It was a great summer and is becoming a great school year!