Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Copyright Action Plan

As a teacher I think there are a lot of things you need to be aware of referring to copy right. One thing I found out that I didn't know was; if you want to use an image in your classroom, you can only use it once. If you are doing a unit and you want to use the same image for more then one year you have to get permission from the author. If you don't get permission to use it then you are breaking the copy right law. I didn't know that this was against the law. I have personally seen a teacher use the same image for more then one year and they didn't have a copy right on the image. (

Something else I learned was that if you play a video in the classroom it needs to go with the topic or unit you are teaching. You have to be careful how much of a video you play with certain videos, depending on their copy right. It is illegal to play a video for entertainment purposes. This is taking money away from the company or creator. I now understand why we weren't allowed to watch Disney movies in my elementary school. I think my teacher's could have used those situations to explain copy right laws. (

Another thing that I found interesting is that, as a teacher, it is illegal to play some types of music in your classroom unless it directly related to what you are teaching. When I was in elementary school, my teachers would play music while we where having silent reading time or when we where doing homework. You have to be careful that the CD you are using doesn't have a copy right to it. ( and

Now that I am aware of these copy right laws, I will be able to apply them to what I do in my classroom. My plan is going to be to plan all my lessons in advance. If I need to use something that has a copy right on it then I will plan time to get permission for the things I need.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Multimedia in the Classroom

I used my textbook to help me understand multimedia in the classroom. By reading through chapters five, ten and eleven, I was able to learn about new cutting edge uses of multimedia in the classroom and how to use audio and video media in the classroom to enhance my instruction. The book discusses the use of palm pilots or blackberries in the classroom. Many up to date schools are using there to teach students how to plan and have responsibility for their work. Schools are now trying to teach students how to be technologically advanced so that when they get out into the real world they will be ready. Some teachers uses these individual handheld computers to have students turn in their assignments. On the other end, teachers are using computers to help them keep accurate notes on their students. This gives them the ability to improve on the individual instruction and learn the needs of every child. The book also talks about audio and video media in the classroom. If the use of this media is used right then it can greatly enhance how a child can learn and what they will remember. An example from the book is having children make their own video project. I thought it would be a good idea to have the children research a historical event and create a news broadcast about it or recreate a scene from that time in history. By allowing the children to use this type of media they are able to make things hands on while still learning about the historical event. Multimedia can be very affective in the classroom to help enhance what the teacher is teaching. Each year as technology advances so does the way that children learn.
Reference: Smaldino, Sharon E. Lowther, Deborah L. Russeel, James D. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning. 9th edition. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. 2008.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What is Media?

Media has become an important tool in the classroom. I used our textbook to help me support my ideas. Some different types of media that you could use in the classroom would be textbooks, computers, ipods, music, videos, smart boards, posters, computer programs, the chalkboard or dry erase board and photographs. I have always thought about using things like videos, chalkboard, books and computers in my classroom. I never thought about using music, smart boards, or power points with younger children in the classroom. As media objects become more available, they will become very useful in my classroom. I will be able to use power points and the smart board to make things more visual for visual learners. I can also use computer programs to help reinforce lessons that I am teaching with reading or math. The types of media I use will depend on the type of students I have and the topic we are covering. If I am doing a science unit it will benefit the children to add hands on visuals to support my lectures. If I am teaching an English unit, it would help to put rules on a bulletin board and have grammar practice on a smart board. The best way to find out what is best for my children would be to try several different things until I find what works best.

Reference: Smaldino, Sharon E. Lowther, Deborah L. Russeel, James D. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning. 9th edition. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. 2008.