Media has become an important tool in the classroom. I used our textbook to help me support my ideas. Some different types of media that you could use in the classroom would be textbooks, computers, ipods, music, videos, smart boards, posters, computer programs, the chalkboard or dry erase board and photographs. I have always thought about using things like videos, chalkboard, books and computers in my classroom. I never thought about using music, smart boards, or power points with younger children in the classroom. As media objects become more available, they will become very useful in my classroom. I will be able to use power points and the smart board to make things more visual for visual learners. I can also use computer programs to help reinforce lessons that I am teaching with reading or math. The types of media I use will depend on the type of students I have and the topic we are covering. If I am doing a science unit it will benefit the children to add hands on visuals to support my lectures. If I am teaching an English unit, it would help to put rules on a bulletin board and have grammar practice on a smart board. The best way to find out what is best for my children would be to try several different things until I find what works best.
Reference: Smaldino, Sharon E. Lowther, Deborah L. Russeel, James D. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning. 9th edition. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. 2008.
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