Monday, July 20, 2009

Making a Commitment

Yesterday we went to church in the morning and the paster talked about commitment. A very interesting topic I think. Made me think of you guys (Kailey and Kim) since we always talk about it! lol He talked about how it is better not commit then to commit and break it because of excuses. How we are commited to others and by our words reflects how we are commited to our God. If we can't commit to things we can see how are we to commit to our God who we can see but in a different way. He talked about Ecclesiastes 5:1-20.
After church (Karen, Rita, Kevin, and I) made pancakes with some awesome homemade syrup! (thanks to Kevin) Then I played with the kids and skyped my dear buddy Sheryl and the family! I love seeing all your beautiful faces! After that the four of us went to the market to pick up a chocolate cake we bought for the kids who did the skit with us. We ended up eating at a really good chicken place in town. (chicken, french fries, and a salad :) ) Then we headed to church. The paster was talking about commitments again. He talked about it in a marriage aspect and with our relationship with God and how we need to keep up our end of the commitment even if the other person don't or circimstances prevent us. We just have to do all we can. I got really distracted because there was a bat flying around and all the kids were cracking up. Then a couple people fell asleep so a couple little boys were trying to wake them up and it was making me laugh so bad. I got some of it, but probably missed a lot.
Today we were planning on making the kids cookies to give to them after we shampooed them for lice today but I guess God had other plans for us today. We woke up and discovered that we don't have any water. All the water in the compound is out due to a broken piece in the well. Then are thinking it is going to take a couple for now we will just prepare for the days to come. :)


ritaleelovesyou said...

Ewww I am not going to the bathroom the old fashioned way, ha ha. The water needs to start working ASAP!
Man, God is teaching us more ways to appreciate the little things!

Armstrong's said...

Sounds like a good message! Sorry to hear about the water. Hope everyone has lots of deodorant! :) Never a dull moment there, eh?!

lisa guier said...

you won't be able to say you were bored for one minute will you? thanks for the updates on the blogs. I hope the water gets fixed faster than expected. can't wait to hear about what happens next.

Kailey Jones said...

Aw AJ im glad you thought of me :) That is really cool that he was talking about that- thanks for sharing. Its so cool when someone on a different continent agrees with something I believe all because God holds everything together. He rocks!! And I am jealous of the chocolate cake...its already amazing, but for some reason cake just tastes better in Peru! Haha. Dang Gina, you heard it twice?? Do you have a commitment problem? j/k I know you keep them, hehe. Love you and miss you AJ