Saturday, July 11, 2009

An Answer to My Prayers

I don't have a lot of time to write but I just wanted to let everyone know I am here safe! God answered my prayers and just blew my mind away! When I was in KC Jeff Heart was there! Wow God is so good! He traveled with me all the way to Lima. Watching out for me the whole way! Then Richard picked me up and I spent the night at his house. The next day I was in the van pretty much the whole day driving from place to place. I got into Pacasmayo at 6:30am today and now we r headed to the market! Thanks for all the prayers! Keep up the good work :) Love you all! I will do me best to keep u posted. I already am in love with all the kids! They have already given me lots of hugs and kisses! I also learned that I will never drive in Peru! They are so crazy! So there is a 3 lane them yeah that's like a 5 lane road :) It is best just to let the driver drive and you just sit back and pay no attention to it! lol


Kailey Jones said...

I am so happy that you made it there safely (not that I had any doubt that you wouldn't!). Yeah, God is soooo good! That is so crazy (well, God, haha) that Jeff was on your flight. God is such a trickster!! He's always pulling our tricks like that when you least expect it. Me and P-nut had another crazy God story to tell you- the day that you left for Peru, a guy came in to Bike Stop and P-nut started talking to him and somehow it came up that he was getting ready for a trip to Peru. P-nut asked what he was doing there, and he said he was working at an orphange near Lima. P-nut was like, "Oh, my fiance just got back from there!" and the guy asked if it was through Childreach, and P-nut started freaking out! haha. And then he was like, "actually my future sister in law (I'm suprised he didn't slip and call you MOH) is headed to Northern Peru right now"! Anyways, the point of this story was to show you that as God soothed your spirit by putting Jeff on your flight, he soothed mine and nut's and the rest of our family's by using His sense of humor again and saying, hey, I have a lot of people doing this for me. It was encouraging. Anyways, I already miss you sosososososo much I don't know what to do (hence the super long blog)but I am so overjoyed that you are where you are, because I know without a doubt that you are in the center of His will, and there is so much joy, peace, and purpose there. So have fun, and be spirit led in all you do. :) I love you so much sister, and I am sosososo proud of you. Enjoy the journey.

Kailey Beth
Psalm 37:4

lisa guier said...

i had heard bout jeff being at the airport. God is so awesome. i was praying for things to go smoothly for you and wow what an anwser that was. i hope the day in Lima was not too brutal. enjoy the kids. It doesn't take long for them to find their way into your heart does it? can't wait to see pictures

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Kailey that is so crazy! I love you and miss you too!
Lisa- nope ha ha! I am pretty sure they were in my heart before I came and it just took one hug! :)

Armstrong's said...

thanks for sharing your heart on your posts. love it! can't wait for some pictures from peru when you have time!!